Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Top 5 game designs I like the most in past recent years

5/5 - Flappy Bird

The best thing about this game is it does very few things and does them so well.

4/5 - PES 2016

The game give user many inputs and outputs. Btw, strategy and skill are both matters.

3/5 - Kingdom rush series:
Little learning curve but very addictive.

2/5 - Boom Beach
I like the fact that Super Cell make itself new with another title in the same category. Boom Beach is far better than a Clash of Clans clone.

1/5 -  Domination
The game is a combination of Clash of Clans and Civilization at the first view. But I think the most importance point of their success is that a player can play for 30 second or 3 hours continuously at his will.