Saturday, December 7, 2013

Review: Giants and Dwarves TD: adds some touches to Tower Defense gameplay

Platform: Flash browser game
Game play: Tower Defense
Overall score: 6/10

The game provides a visual way to upgrade towers. Each time you do, you actually add one level to the top of the building. That upper part functions exactly like one individual tower.

In overall, the FXs do the job. So are the sounds and music. Controls are easy enough since Giants and Dwarves TD inherits some characteristics from the hit Kingdom Rush.

There are lots of monster types. Each may be weak against one tower but strong against others. The bosses and mini bosses appear in term of huge Giants. You have a hero in combat which is pretty important. The fun part is Heroes and soldiers have to climb up to a Giant's body or face to fight with it.. Heroes and towers can be upgrade in many ways. But unlike in Kingdom rush, here you can reset the points any time to try another upgrade direction.

- The Giants differ the look and feel of this game from most other TD ones.
- You can always reset the skill points to fit your strategy needs.
- You can control exactly the target types for each tower: lowest HP, weakest against the chosen tower, ...

- Hero stun skill is pretty useless.
- The tower in-game upgrading system is too linear.

- Sell premium contents.

- No doubt Giants and Dwarves TD is getting a huge fan base.
- When Labu game ports the game to mobile platforms, it sure could make its way to the top board for a while.

Gameplay video:

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